We pray for protection. We pray for good health. We pray for healing for those who are sick. We pray for things to turn out well in the end. And sometimes they do. Sometimes the Lord heals but other times He chooses not to. It's not because He lacks the power, mercy, or means to do so, it's because He has a different plan. A bigger, better, and eternal plan.
I love the verse 2 Corinthians 1:20 that says "For all the promises of God find their yes in Him. That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His glory." My soul utters Amen (a "let it be") to Him for His glory in all things. There is a place I can put my hope in that is never deferred. Though I may not get what I think I want or need, instead I get Him! He is a hope that is never deferred.
Unanswered prayers are ultimately for His glory and our good. Doesn't make it any less painful in the moment, but we cling to the One who uses everything good-and everything seemingly bad- to point us to a greater glory...His.
I began praying for precious little Kate McRae the moment I heard her story. Since July, Kate has been battling cancer and just completed her third round of chemo. Kate's parents, as well as millions of people across the country, have diligently been praying for months that God would completely heal Kate this side of heaven. Kate had an MRI a couple days ago to see if the tumor was responding to the treatment and to figure out what the next step in this journey should be.
The results were not what everyone had been praying and hoping for. The MRI revealed that there was still residual tumor in Kate's brain. The positive news is the tumor has shrunk and there is most likely no new growth. The negative being there is still a decent amount of tumor left and the neurosurgeon said his initial instinct is that he would not operate. That isn't his final decision but Kate continues to have a long and arduous battle before her.
One other positive is Kate was able to go home for a few days and resume some semblance of a childhood. Here is an excerpt from a journal entry written by Kate's mom last night:
Tonight it broke my heart as Aaron was praying with the girls and I was with Will. He asked me if Kate had had her picture to see if the tumor was all gone. I told him yes she had. And there was still some there. He started crying and said "mom, why? I keep praying that it would be all gone when they looked! Why didn't God answer my prayer?"
My heart broke knowing that our children at such tender ages were having to learn such hard lessons. Answered and unanswered prayers. Life and death ramifications. We don't know God's plan in all of this. We wish the cancer part of this plan was done. It however is not. So we will continue to pray. Pray that one day Kate will be cancer free here on earth.
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