Sunday, August 21, 2011


So today I turned 22! It was a really good birthday. To be honest, I was somewhat dreading this day because after spending the summer with my boyfriend, Matt, it was time for him to go back to school. I also had this attitude of "nothing is that exciting after you turn 21." Part of me doesn't like that as you grow up you lose that childlike wonder and awe of turning another year older. My 10-year-old brother, Peter, absolutely LOVES his birthday. He starts talking about his birthday months in advance and this past year he prayed that the days before his birthday would go by fast but that his birthday would be slow. As far as he is concerned the world stops and he is THE reason for that day.

The illusion that my birthday stopped everyone in their tracks fell long ago, but as this day is drawing to a close, I feel so celebrated and loved by my family and friends. That is the point of celebrate life and remember God faithfulness. Even though this birthday lacked the fanfare of 21, it was simple, joyful and relaxing. I had a good amount of time this afternoon just to sit down and journal about this past year of life. Tonight I am thankful to be 22, to have graduated college and to have incredible family and friends who love me and point me more towards Jesus.

Birthdays celebrate life so cheers to that!