Saturday, September 4, 2010


"Lord, I believe. Help me in my unbelief."
This is a prayer I feel like I pray often, if not daily. I'm learning that so much of the things I struggle with are rooted in basic unbelief.
I don't mean that I won't face any trials if I simply believe, because thats not at all what Jesus promises. What I am saying is that my discontent, worry, anxiousness, jealously, and fear is often rooted in basic unbelief.

Unbelief that delight in God is really better. Unbelief that I have been freed from bondage to sin. Unbelief that God really is going to do what He has promised.

The hard part is not believing IN Christ, it is BELIEVING Christ.

"Christians do not say, 'I do not understand you at all, but I trust you anyway.' Rather we say, 'I do not understand you in this situation, but I understand why I trust you anyway. Therefore I can trust that you understand even though I don't.' If we do not know why we trust God in the beginning, then we will always need to know exactly what God is doing in order to trust Him. Failing to grasp that, we may not be able to continue trusting Him, for anything we do not understand may count decisively against what we are able to trust.
If on the other hand, we do know why we trust God, we will be able to trust Him in situations where we do not understand what He is doing...Faith does not know 'why' in terms of the immediate, but it knows why it trusts God in terms of the ultimate." (Be Still My Soul)

"He will do us good, real good, lasting good, only good, every good. He will make us good, and this is to do us good to the highest degree" insists Charles Spurgeon.
God's priority is to make us good-which is our best good.
The proof of His goodness is at the cross. The guarantee of His goodness in the resurrection.

I believe; God, help me overcome my unbelief. I believe; Jesus help me live like I believe for I know my Redeemer lives.