Kate McRae. A precious blond-hair blue-eyed 6 year old that is desperately fighting for her life. This is the background of her story written by Kate's mom:
Monday June 29th, 2009 was supposed to be a day filled with summer fun. The kids and I were going to the water park to celebrate summer. However, I noticed that a slight tremor in her right hand that she developed over the past 2-3 days had notably worsened. We decided to take her to her Pediatrician, just for safe measure. Her Dr decided to get a CT of Kate's head, to rule anything out. We proceeded to Phoenix Childrens Hospital for a stat CT of her head. At 5:30 I, Holly, Kate's mom, was taken into a room alone and told Kate had a massive tumor on the basil ganglia portion of her brain. The world stopped for us that day. I called her dad and through sobs told him to come to the hospital quickly. Our journey had begun. Kate was directly admitted to the PICU. One minute thoughts of the water park the next our child is critically ill in the PICU. We would have never chosen to be a part of this journey with childhood cancer, but it was chosen for us, and our sweet Kate. She is now in the Phoneix Children's Hospital undergoing treatment for this disease.
Kate underwent a craniotomy with tumor resection on July 3rd, 2009. They unfortunately were only able to remove 50% of the tumor due to it's location in the left temporal lobe of her brain and the fact that the tumor had wrapped itself around major blood vessels to her brain. Kate experienced right sided paralysis immediately following surgery. She has since regained much of this, however right sided weakness still continues.
After a few days of waiting the pathology report was in, Kate was diagnosed with a very malignant, aggressive brain tumor called a supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor or sPNET. Our hearts were shattered. Dreams for our little 5 year old daughter put on hold to battle this monster. Long term prognosis and outcomes weren't encouraging so Kate has been put on a study that is showing a little more promising outcomes, hopefully a better chance at survival and less long term side effects. She is currently undergoing the Head Start 3 Study out of Los Angeles but doing it at Phoenix Children's Hospital. The study involves the initial brain surgery, 5 round of very intense chemotherapy with possibility of a subsequent brain surgery and then another round of chemo with a stem cell transplant. We are hoping to avoid radiation after transplant. Kate is also in physical therapy and occupational therapy and has been released from speech therapy.
We believe strongly in the power of prayer and the ability of Jesus to heal our precious daughter. Whether He does this through modern medicine or simply a divine touch, we aren't picky. We are asking others to join us on this journey and fervently pray for our Kate. The road is long and unbelievably hard. We have 3 children, all who are intensely affected. Olivia is now 7, Kate is 5 and Will is 4. Please keep all of us in your prayers as we try to walk this journey of childhood cancer. Thank you. (As of September 29th Kate was readmitted to begin her 3rd round of chemo. She will be hospitalized for the entire round.)
My heart literally breaks for Kate and her family. Kate "celebrated" her 6th birthday on December 27th. Birthdays for a 6 year-old should mean parties, friends, cupcakes, and laughter instead of hospitals, vomiting, morphine drips and IV's. Kate is sick, but not forgotten. She is immensely loved by Her creator.
The faith and perseverance Kate's parents have displayed through this has been a witness and a living testimony of God's supernatural love. This is not the path they (or anyone for that matter) would choose, but they know where their hope lies and they cling to the Ultimate Healer. They believe and know God is good and loving and faithful and all-powerful. The gospel is hope, and the Lord is strength.
“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. Isaiah 41:10
“He works out everything in conformity with the purpose of HIS will”. Ephesians 1: 11
This was a particularly powerful update from Kate's mom on Christmas eve:
Instead of tucking all 3 of our kids in tonight, calming them down due to the anticipation of tomorrow. I will just be tucking one in. Into her hospital bed. Hoping she perks up, instead of calming down. Praying her fever comes down. Praying her mouth sores diminish. Praying her heart rate slows down. Praying the blood cultures grow nothing. Praying that even now every last cancer cell would be destroyed. Forever.
The one thing that remains true and constant even tonight, even amidst our present pain, is the reason for Christmas. We could be celebrating at home. Enjoying family and the traditions the season brings. Or we could be in the hospital fighting for our daughters life. I am just so thankful that Christmas means Jesus. And that does not change even when our circumstances do. He came and brought salvation. And one day there will be no more pain, no more tears and no more cancer. Praying Kate gets to experience the later here on earth and will get to experience many more joyous Christmas' in the years to come.